About Me

About The Romance Space | Just Romance Reads

My name is Shoshana and I’m obsessed with books!

If you’re looking for recommendations that will make you giggle, blush, scream, or straight-up cry?

Welcome to my page!

I read and review romance novels because it makes me happy, and I love sharing my thoughts with you all. 

I’ve always loved getting lost between the pages but adulthood came knocking and a good chunk of my free time was stolen from me. That is really dramatic and only partially true, I rediscovered my love for reading, and here I am now. 

I love a happy ever after ending. I love getting lost in a story that makes me feel something, even if it’s only for the duration of 350 pages. Best of all, I love interacting with people who share my love for the genre. 

Thank you for stopping by! Find me on Instagram, Goodreads, Medium and Facebook! 

Feel free to reach out to me at blogger@theromancespace.com


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